Matt J Harline Fine Art

Recently Completed

Peering Skyward


Outside my home is an old oak tree with a trunk that splits into three main trunks about 3 feet off the ground. Look up between these three trunks to the sky and see an intricate web of bark, branches, and twigs. 


14″ x 20″ acrylic ink on paper

Recently Completed

Peering Skyward (in color)


After completing the ink drawing, I scanned the drawing and pulled it into a digital drawing tool on my iPad to add leaves (and sky and clouds). My first digital art, in various colors. Click on the image and look at the colors I have created. I’m open to special color requests to make a print to fit your room.


14″ x 20″ digital print on photo paper

Recently Completed

Wandering Among Redwoods



This painting was inspired by a walk through the redwoods at Muir Woods National Monument in Marin County, California.




Lost In A Landscape


Acrylic on paper, mounted and framed

19″ x 31″, (23″ x 35″ framed)

‘Ohi’a Lehua Trio



24″ x 9″ Acrylic Ink and Watercolor


Native to Hawaii, the ‘Ohi’a Lehua Tree is one of the first plants to establish itself in a newly cooled field of volcanic lava flow. 



Aspen Grove



12″ x 9″ India Ink


Sunlight and Shadow



20″ x 14″ India Ink


While wandering through the afternoon shadows among the redwoods in Muir Woods National Monument, part of the forest is flooded with sunlight, the rest is deep in shadows.


Radiation Road

A personal journal and artwork describing the artist’s experience with radiation treatments after the removal of a brain tumor.

Discover what it is like and some of the experiences, thoughts, and feelings during a six and a half week, 33 dose treatment to reduce the likelihood of regrowth of the grade 2 meningioma tumor.

See the preview, order the soft copy book or a digital version (PDF) at

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