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18″ x 24″ ink and watercolor, Original Painting

Matted and framed, ready to hang

This painting began as an idea, a study for another painting, Outstretched Hands”. As I worked on this study, I found that I really liked it.  Two hands, shown in motion, reaching for each other, to make contact. The lower hand wishing for rescue, the upper hand reaching out to offer assistance.


In 2021 this painting was selected by the Sacramento General Congress of Women to be exhibited in their Activism Though the Arts Show at the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento, CA. From August through October, this painting and another painting of mine hung in that art museum.





Availability: 1 in stock

SKU: MJH-2020-25 Categories: , ,


18″ x 24″ Original ink and watercolor painting

matted and framed, ready for hanging


Weight 10 lbs
Dimensions 22 × 28 × 2 in


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